On 2016-07-02 15:04:52, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Sat, 2016-07-02 at 14:45 +0200, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> > Unfortunately it's not and I can't reproduce the issue.
> Me either, mainly because the video is now 403 Forbidden.
> > Did you see similar issues with 2.2.4?
> Not AFAIK but I rarely use VLC now, it has completely crashed my
> machine a few of time (I think hw accel) so I'm a bit wary of it.

Those issues might be caused by libvdpau-va-gl1 in combination with VLC's video
output module and Intel graphics chips. Recent versions of libvdpau-va-gl1 are
supposed to fix most of them. Changing VLC's video output module should also

Sebastian Ramacher

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