Hi Sam,

On Fri, 08 Jul 2016, Sam Hartman wrote:
> Now I can interact with the toggle details string, but nothing happens
> when I do.
> Since you've made it a link, I'm going to interact with it that way.
> Are you expecting it to be clicked on rather than selected as a link?

Yes, the toggling is managed by the javascript onClick event on a parent
<span> tag, so you should click on the link.

> Other accessibility problems:
> * The page is hard to navigate.  There are no headings, and none of the
>   screen reader controls for navigating the page work, so you have to
>   scroll through the whole thing.

Are there "aria" attributes that we can set on title of panels to get
them recognized as headings or interesting navigation points?

I could change them to <h2> but I would then have to disable all default
styles that apply to this tag.

> * In the table listing versions and letting you look at the
>   changelogs/control files/etc, we have the same hard/impossible to
>   interact with items problem as with the action needed display.

Here I really don't understand... we have a link and within that link
we have the icon and the <span class="sr-only"> tag with the text that
you are supposed to see. And given it's placed within the link, you should
be able to interact with it.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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