I think i found the reason why [stomp] is not getting recognised. I am running Ubuntu Server 16.04 and I was trying to get activemq 5.13.2 to work with stomp+nio as the transport scheme but it was giving me the same error as you.
I downloaded the compiled binary files from http://activemq.apache.org/download.html and extracted them and compared them with my activemq libraries. Turns out activemq-stomp.x.x.x.jar is missing. I just copied the activemq-stomp.x.x.x.jar from the optional binaries to /usr/share/activemq/lib and I tried starting activemq again and it works. Not sure why the optional binaries were not included in the default activemq installations. Hope this helps. With Warm Regards, Zane J. Chua