Hello Afif,

In that case I agree it doesn't really matter whether gridengine.default is in examples or not. I've attached a patch that simply change the postinst script so that it takes the copy from /usr/share/gridengine-common/ instead of /usr/share/doc/gridengine-common/.


On 6/25/16 5:30 PM, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
Hi, Carl,
Thanks for the patch!

على الخميس 23 حزيران 2016 ‫19:25، كتب Carl Pupa:
Here is the patch -- I made usr/share/gridengine-common a soft link to
usr/share/doc/gridengine-common in rules, and changed references to
usr/share/doc/gridengine-common in various files in the debian
directory.  It compiled and was installable, and lintian and piuparts
completed successfully.

The documentation itself should stay in /usr/share/doc/; that shouldn't
need to be in /usr/share/gridengine-common. I believe the only thing
that needs to move is the gridengine.default file.
I traced the problem to commit 50d1580b5b91f65e9a33a205a90a7c6925d45e8d,
where it appears that putting this file under examples/ was done so that
it could be used as a template configuration for debconf.

I'm not sure if gridengine.default really needs to be an example after
reading the Debian policy description for it [1]. I'd be inclined to
just install this file as /usr/share/gridengine/gridengine.default and
adjust the scripts to find it there. If you (as a sysadmin) think it's
also useful as an example, then we could add a symlink to this location
from /usr/share/doc/gridengine-common/examples/, but I'm not sure that's

What do you think?

1. https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-docs.html#s12.6

Description: fix for bug #826113
Author: Carl Pupa
Origin: other
Bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=826113
This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
--- a/debian/gridengine-common.postinst
+++ b/debian/gridengine-common.postinst
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ case "$1" in
       chown root:root ${TMPFILE}
       chmod 644 ${TMPFILE}
-      sed "s@^SGE_CELL=.*@SGE_CELL=${SGE_CELL}@" 
/usr/share/doc/gridengine-common/examples/gridengine.default >> ${TMPFILE}
+      sed "s@^SGE_CELL=.*@SGE_CELL=${SGE_CELL}@" 
/usr/share/gridengine-common/examples/gridengine.default >> ${TMPFILE}
       ucf --debconf-ok ${TMPFILE} /etc/default/gridengine
       rm -f ${TMPFILE}

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