Control: affects -1 + gnome-shell


Forwarding Stephen's followup to the bug report:
----- Forwarded message from Stephen Allen <> -----
Date: Tue, 17 May 2016 07:28:22 -0400
From: Stephen Allen <>
Subject: Re: [pkg-cinnamon] Bug#788903: cinnamon: spurious right click evens 
when left clicking

FTR Yours Truly has been affected by this bug too - However have noticed
the behaviour in both Cinnamon and Gnome-Shell 3.20.x.
----- End forwarded message -----

Maybe we should reassign the issue to gtk then. I'm not sure about this as I'm not being able to reproduce the issue here.

Gnome maintainers: have you seen something like this?

Happy hacking,
"It takes three times the effort to find and fix bugs in system test than when
done by the developer. It takes ten times the effort to find and fix bugs in
the field than when done in system test. Therefore, insist on unit tests by
the developer"
-- Larry Bernstein
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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