Jesus Christ, people! There are actually seven duplicates of the *SAME* bug 

Do you people even bother these days to check for existing bug reports or do 
you just
file a new bug right away and always assume you're the first one?

Seriously, how hard is it to open your browser and point it to, 
type "flashplugin-nonfree" and then hit "Search"? And if you're using 
it *will* actually show you all the existing bug reports.

Please be more considerate in the future. You guys produced a lot of 
unnecessary noise!

There is no need to assume what with a package that is being installed by 
thousands of
users, that *you* will have been the first one to discover this particular 
Is there?

So, for the next time: *Before* reporting a bug, *please* check for existing 
bug reports!

Thank you!


 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer -
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin -
  `-    GPG: 62FF 8A75 84E0 2956 9546  0006 7426 3B37 F5B5 F913

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