On 05/22/2016 09:50 PM, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> On Sun, 2016-05-22 at 19:18 +0200, Christian Seiler wrote:
>> So I've actually now implemented a slightly different logic:
>> instead of dropping the window buttons completely, I replace more
>> routines and explicitly only drop the "icon", "minimize",
>> "maximize" and "close" buttons in the header bar.
> So basically the "left-hand-side application icon" button remains?

Yes, but only if there's actually a menu behind it.

> Would it work to replace *all* CSD buttons by menu entries?

Unfortunately, no. The problem is that any type of widget can be
added to the header bar, and most of these can't really be
translated into a menu consistently. I'm not saying that you
couldn't do it for individual trivial programs, but it's going
to be really hard to do so consistently throughout.

Hence I think it's better to force a header bar with everything
but the main window buttons. It's not optimal, I completely
agree, but it's better than any alternative that gtk3-nocsd can
hack together.


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