Le 16/05/2016 12:40, Gianfranco Costamagna a écrit :
> control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Hi Eric, some questions on the changes:
> 1) why do you need both autotools-dev and autoreconf?
Well autotools-dev already used. No changes here.
About autoreconf, I'm not familiar with it.
I installed it to test it. Since all seems ok, I've not removed it.
> 2) did you get an ack from maintainers to add yourself as uploader
In addition, I've just asked them to post their ask on this list now.

> 3) +Replaces: gnustep-common (<< 2.6.8-1)
> this is something I don't understand.
 If you upgrade gnustep make bin package with old gnustep-common installed,
 we need to replace the gnustep-config.1 manpage.

> also, the control.in file removal is not documented I guess
Yes, this is a consequence of the debian/rules rewriting.
> maybe Aron (ccd), being the latest sponsor might give you an additional 
> review and sponsor the package

Thanks for the tip.

> thanks for the really nice work! 
Thanks, I worked hard last week with upstream.
> I did a test build and the build logs looks good to be, as well as the built
> binaries (however I didn't install them).
I tested it with latest upstream version of gnustep-base, gnustep-gui
and and gnustep-back,
 and all seems okay. I
 tried it with several GNUstep related debian packages and all seems to
works fine.
 I also tried to rebuild several debian gnustep packages with it and I
did not find any FTBFS.


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