control: severity 823624 wishlist

On Sun, May 08, 2016 at 08:46:08PM -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On Sun 2016-05-08 02:45:40 -0400, Osamu Aoki <> wrote:
> > I think it does but I think I had reason why I did not do this.
> > It may have been something to do with signiture verification.
> > I forgot what exactly put me off to add such extension ...  
> hm, do we really need to avoid it if the reason is not something we can
> remember?

Without re-reading code, its hard to give you specifics but I gave
enough hint.

If tar.gz file has signature on tar file, current code can deal with it.
But not with tgz as it written now like line 3396 and 3494 as examples.
At this moment, I chose not to complicate the code further unless such
case exists.

I also did not wish to add such short regex in general since it may
cause false positive.

> > You can always use explicit description in watch file if upstream uses
> > such extension.
> sure, but i'd prefer to just use the generic in case my upstreams change
> their minds and start using more normal.

I did not prefer to include tgz :-)

If we include tgz patch, the rest of the code needs to be checked and
updated.  So patch as provided is not optimal.


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