On Thu, May 05, 2016 at 10:04:49PM -0400, Daniel Richard G. wrote:
> Package: krb5-auth-dialog
> Version: 3.12.0-2
> Severity: wishlist
> When krb5-auth-dialog is installed, it drops a .desktop file into
> /etc/xdg/autostart/ so that it starts up as part of the normal desktop
> session, without requiring further intervention. I am assembling a
> system that will mainly handle users authenticated via Kerberos, so
> this is great.
> However, there will also be some local-only users (via normal Unix
> auth), and for them, the "Network credentials expired" notification
> will be confusing and unhelpful. I'd like for the program not to
> autostart for them.
> (If a local-only user somehow wants to authenticate to some Kerberos
> principal graphically, they can always start up the program via the
> application menu, of course.)
> This minor change to the .desktop file gets me the desired effect...
>       --- /etc/xdg/autostart/krb5-auth-dialog.desktop.orig
>       +++ /etc/xdg/autostart/krb5-auth-dialog.desktop
>       @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>        [Desktop Entry]
>        Name=Kerberos Authentication
>        Comment=Kerberos Network Authentication Dialog
>       -Exec=krb5-auth-dialog
>       +Exec=sh -c 'test -z "$KRB5CCNAME" || exec krb5-auth-dialog'
>        Terminal=false
>        Type=Application
>        Icon=krb-valid-ticket

Using "krb5-auth-dialog -a" should do waht you want. However we want
kb5-auth-dialog running all the time for use cases where the user wants
to pick up a Kerberos ticket later (e.g. after starting a VPN tunnel) so
we want the notification in the system tray to pick up a ticket.

Since this is a config file you can safely modify it without it being
ovewritten by upgrades.

Does this sound o.k.?
 -- Guido

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