El 01/04/16 a las 06:33, Paul Wise escribió:
On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 1:09 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:


An overhaul of the getting Debian pages is indeed long overdue.

Adrian Gibanel had some great ideas about presentation of derivatives
stuff on the website, perhaps he has some about reorganising the
'getting Debian' section of the website. Adrian, the initial proposal
and discussion is available here:



So, here there is my advice on how to reorganise 'getting Debian' ( https://www.debian.org/distrib/index.en.html ).

Every advice I give on redesigning Debian webpage is based on dividing the page on a per-user or per-role basis. I will try to apply that policy into 'getting Debian' and trying to add the requested additional information about how to check your iso.

I know that dividing the page on a per-user or per-role basis is not useful or convenient for every page but hopefully me trying to think outside the box will give you some ideas.


Some thoughts after reading what I have written as 'Getting Debian' page content.

* The VERB + your + SOMETHING is a pun on the Starship Troopers film army/war ads. But, anyways, I feel something similar is needed to link each of the steps and make the reader think he is reading a well thought guide and not just unconnected steps put together.

* I have left many other roles (datacenter sysadmin, cloud sysadmin) because I think that with three examples you get the idea.

* You can see how the newbies (Newcomer - Installing it, Computer Sysadmin - Newbie) get an installation disk with an specific flavour (maybe you just need to give them netinst too? I don't know.) The "Computer Sysadmin - Advanced" gets a netinst image as you might expect.

This is probably the thing that needs the most to be fixed with the current scenario where someone who visits: debian.org gets a link to a netinst image while not being clear if they need that media at all or not.

* You can see that each one of the options do not end on the usual "How to burn into CD" or even "How to boot" but try to get people involved somehow into Debian.

* Not sure if it would be better to advice to check the Blends in the first place for the "Computer System - Newbie" just in case one of them fits his needs.

* Cloud sysadmin would probably get directed to Cloud based (Amazon, Azure, ...) base downloads.

  * Datacenter sysadmin would probably get many downloads offered.

* About the reusing data (which it's what Steve McIntyre was complaining) I guess I would use "include pages" for each one of the steps which are duplicated in each of the roles so that we don't have to maintain (n roles) times (m steps).

* I have invented some pages/terms which probably don't exist in actual Debian (website), or maybe they exist but I don't know which are their proper names.

C) Possible 'Getting Debian' page content:

Debian is for everyone. We will try to guide you to get the best media of Debian for you. Please choose your profile / role.

Newcomer - First Contact / Newcomer - Installing it / Computer Sysadmin - Newbie / Computer Sysadmin - Advanced

  Newcomer - First contact

  NEF.0. Know your Debian Live.
A Debian Live image lets you try Debian in RAM without ... . That way you can check if it fits your needs.
  NEF.1. Download your ISO.
A 32-bit image is probably only need with computers prior to 2005? . Whenever possible please try the 64-bit image.
         + link to Debian Live favoured 64-bit image
         + link to Debian Live favoured 32-bit image
  NEF.2. Check your ISO.
This step ensures the ISO you have downloaded is ok. In order to verify your download you have to...
  NEF.3. Burn your ISO.
That big file needs to be put into a DVD or an USB. Here we show you how.
  NEF.4. Boot your ISO.
In order to boot a Debian Live you don't usually need to do anything in most recent PCs. However if your previous OSes boot you probably need to press F8,...
  NEF. 5. Enjoy your ISO.
We recommend you to discover the most used and famous Debian programs on the Debian Live thanks to our "Discover famous Debian programs" page.
  NEF. 6. Become a Debianer!
Do you enjoy Debian Live but you would like to use it in daily basis without using a Debian Live CD or Debian Live USB. Install it on your computer. Please check: "Newcomer - Installing it".

  Newcomer - Installing it

  NEI.0. Know your Debian Live.
You don't know what's Debian yet? You might want to test it first thanks to a Debian Live image which works without touching your hard disk. Please check: "Newcomer - First contact".
  NEI.1. Download your ISO.
A 32-bit image is probably only need with computers prior to 2005? . Whenever possible please try the 64-bit image.
         + link to Debian Install favoured 64-bit image
         + link to Debian Install favoured 32-bit image
  NEI.2. Check your ISO.
This step ensures the ISO you have downloaded is ok. In order to verify your download you have to...
  NEF.3. Burn your ISO.
That big file needs to be put into a DVD or an USB. Here we show you how.
  NEI.4. Boot your ISO.
In order to boot a Debian Installation Disk you don't usually need to do anything in most recent PCs. However if your previous OSes boot you probably need to press F8,...
  NEI. 5. Install your ISO.
Installing Debian as a single Operating System for your computer is rather simple. If you need additional help on this help you can check our tour "Installing Debian".
  NEI. 6. Enjoy your Debian
We recommend you to discover the most used and famous Debian programs on the Debian Live thanks to our "Discover famous Debian programs" page.
  NEI. 7. Become a Debianer!
Do you enjoy Debian? There's a community out there which needs your help. Check how you can help by checking our: "Debian - Our community" page.

  Computer Sysadmin - Newbie

  CSN.0. Know your Debian
You don't know what's Debian yet? We recommend you to test it in a virtual machine prior to install to a phisical machine. Please check: "Debian support on virtualisation systems".
  CSN.1. Download your ISO.
A 32-bit image is probably only need with computers prior to 2005? . Whenever possible please try the 64-bit image.
         + link to Debian Install favoured 64-bit image
         + link to Debian Install favoured 32-bit image
  CSN.2. Check your ISO.
This step ensures the ISO you have downloaded is ok. In order to verify your download you have to...
  CSN.3. Burn your ISO.
That big file needs to be put into a DVD or an USB. Here we show you how.
  CSN.4. Boot your ISO.
In order to boot a Debian Installation Disk you don't usually need to do anything in most recent PCs. However if your previous OSes boot you probably need to press F8,...
  CSN. 5. Install your ISO.
Installing Debian as a single Operating System for your computer is rather simple. If you need additional help on this help you can check our tour "Installing Debian".
  CSN. 6. Enjoy your Debian
As per your technical role we recommend you to discover the different blends of Debian which can be applied to normal Debian installation thanks to its metapackages.
  CSN. 7. Become a Debianer!
Do you enjoy Debian? There's a community out there which needs your help. Check how you can help by checking our: "Debian - Our community" page.

  Computer Sysadmin - Advanced

  CSA.0. Know your Debian
You don't know what's Debian yet? We recommend you to test it in a virtual machine prior to install to a phisical machine. Please check: "Debian support on virtualisation systems".
  CSA.1. Download your ISO.
A 32-bit image is probably only need with computers prior to 2005? . Whenever possible please try the 64-bit image.
         + link to netinst 64-bit image
         + link to netinst 32-bit image
  CSA.2. Check your ISO.
This step ensures the ISO you have downloaded is ok. In order to verify your download you have to...
  CSA.3. Burn your ISO.
That big file needs to be put into a DVD or an USB. Here we show you how.
  CSA.4. Boot your ISO.
In order to boot a Debian Installation Disk you don't usually need to do anything in most recent PCs. However if your previous OSes boot you probably need to press F8,...
  CSA. 5. Install your ISO.
Installing Debian as a single Operating System for your computer is rather simple. If you need additional help on this help you can check our tour "Installing Debian".
  CSA. 6. Enjoy your Debian
As per your technical role we recommend you to discover the different blends of Debian which can be applied to normal Debian installation thanks to its metapackages.
  CSA. 7. Become a Debianer!
Do you enjoy Debian? There's a community out there which needs your help. Check how you can help by checking our: "Debian - Our community" page

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