On 03/26/2016 02:51 PM, Jérôme wrote:
> Package: tuxguitar
> Version: 1.2-20
> Severity: wishlist
> Dear Maintainer,
> a new version of Tux Guitar was released beginning of 2016.
> http://www.tuxguitar.com.ar/changes.html
> Version 1.3.2 (2016-03-16)

Hello Jérôme,

Thank you for reporting the updated version.  I have taken a quick look
and the new upstream tarball needs some license clarification before it
will be distributable as per the DFSG.

For example, the soundbank beneath ./TuxGuitar-resources/ merely says
that it was "contributed," but doesn't clarify the distribution license.
 Furthermore, I think we'll run into problems with it not being in a
"preferred form of modification."

Similarly, parts of the TuxGuitar-android tree is GPLv2 instead of LGPL,
but I believe it can simply be excluded from a DFSG tarball.

> Any plans to package it?

I can try, but I welcome help.  I think the first thing to do is
determine whether we need/want to try to distribute the soundbank (via a
contrib package) and have the tuxguitar-jsa package suggest that.
Looking at the popcon graphs [1], the -jsa package isn't nearly as
popular as either -alsa or -oss, so maybe it's preferable to get 1.3.x
packaged without it?


[1] https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=tuxguitar

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