On Tue, 5 Apr 2016 05:16:51 +0200 Peter Nowee <pe...@peternowee.com> wrote:
> Second, judging by his comments here and in his code, the author was
> from the very beginning fully aware that the time-activated warnings
> were going to cause problems in the context of Debian stable. He either
> intended or did not care about that.
Please, everyone, stop acting like upstream is acting in good faith
here. He's smart, he knows how Debian and Linux distributions work, and
he is _choosing_ to throw a tantrum that would embarrass a small child.
He deliberately created a situation where this was bound to happen and
where it is impossible to meet his demands. There are only a few courses
of action for Debian here, which have been discussed at length. That's
fine, but please let's stop trying to figure out how to please upstream.
You can't, because it is impossible by design to do so.