reopen 306305 kthxbye On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 03:13:09 -0700, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> mpich ( unstable; urgency=low > . > * Fixed mpich-bin.prerm to remove alternatives symlinks (closes: #306305). > As far as I can see, the current package in etch and sid (1.2.7-1) still has this problem: from mpich-bin.postinst: update-alternatives \ --install /usr/bin/mpirun mpirun /usr/bin/mpirun.mpich 10 \ ... mpich-bin.prerm: update-alternatives --remove mpirun /usr/lib/mpich/bin/mpirun /usr/lib/mpich/bin/mpirun in the prerm just needs to be changed to /usr/bin/mpirun.mpich Cheers, Julien