Hi. Found this: Makefile.am says:
pydoc: rm -rf docs/pydoc mkdir docs/pydoc cd docs/pydoc && \ for i in `find ../../tools/traci ../../tools/sumolib -name "*.py" -not -executable | sed 's,../../tools/,,;s,/,.,g;s,.py,,;s,.__init__,,'`; do \ PYTHONPATH="../../tools" python -c "import $$i, pydoc; pydoc.writedoc($$i)"; \ done so the order in which the different "python -c" commands are executed depends on the order in which "find" outputs its result, but this can be anything because there is no canonical filesystem ordering. In the end, the build fails or it does not depending on the *last* executed command. For example, this simple Makefile will fail: all: true; false echo Hi and this one will succeed: all: false; true echo Hi If we are going to forgive failure in any of the "python -c" commands, maybe adding "|| true" at the end will do. OTOH, if every "python -c" command should work flawlessly, the current Makefile does not correctly express such condition. Thanks.