Hi Mattia,

On Wednesday 02 March 2016 13:16:14 Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> control: owner -1 !
> control: tag -1 moreinfo
> Hi Benjamin!
> On Sat, Feb 06, 2016 at 07:15:04PM +0100, Benjamin Eikel wrote:
> >   I am looking for a sponsor for my package "kwstyle"
> Cool, I'm available to review and sponsor this :)

thank you for the interest in sponsoring the package!

> >   You can find the current state of my packaging work at
> >   https://github.com/eikel/KWStyle-Debian
> yay, git!  I'll work with that, everything is easier with git.
> Since you don't seem to have access to collab-maint, I'm happy to repush
> there everything once this upload is done :)
> I'm sadly not willing to advocate for collab-maint access in this case.
> Let's start the fun!
> * This is a nice update, cool work!
> * please revert b6963ab31cd4dddb922471da7ae190790c7ed2b2, cme did the
>   right thing, the current version of policy is 3.9.7.
> * in d/rules those lines are useless, please remove them:
>     include /usr/share/dpkg/default.mk
>   You should read debhelper(7), in particular the changes done with
>   compat level 9.
> * unused-file-paragraph-in-dep5-copyright paragraph at line 192
>   + that's because those files are also reported on the next paragraph,
>     with different copyright; please meld the paragraphs
> * can you consider enabling hardening buildflags?
> * at the end of the iteration please bump the changelog entry

I worked on all the points on your list and pushed my changes to the 
aforementioned GitHub repository. Please review them and give feedback.

Kind regards

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