On 05/03/16 15:08, Esa Peuha wrote:
> Package: release.debian.org
> User: release.debian....@packages.debian.org
> Usertags: binnmu
> Last year wxwidgets3.0 renamed its libraries from wx*3.0-0 to
> wx*3.0-0v5 as part of the libstdc++6 transition, but there are
> still packages using the old libraries. Out of these, freqtweak
> and rapidsvn look like they could be fixed by a binNMU.
> nmu freqtweak_0.7.2-4.1 . ANY . -m "Rebuild against new wxwidgets3.0"
> nmu rapidsvn_0.12.1dfsg-3 . ANY . -m "Rebuild against new wxwidgets3.0"

Have you tried to rebuild them? Is #796450 fixed?


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