在 2016年3月5日星期六 CST 下午1:00:25,Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo 写道:
> The behaviour has been changed recently, so that when one goes ahead
> with the installation, the state is saved to more places than aptitude's
> internal state (e.g. dpkg), on which other tools feed.
> Since some parts of this state cannot be undone, and since there were
> other problems associated with this (e.g. removing "hold" state which
> had been set in previous sessions), "Cancel pending actions" has been
> changed in 0.7.6 to just cancel pending (as in "not confirmed/saved")
> actions, rather than marking all packages as "keep" and destroying other
> things in the way.
> Perhaps we should change the name of the menu entry to reflect the
> change of behaviour, but sadly the name fits much better the new
> behaviour, and the previous behaviour's menu entry should have been
> named instead "Keep all packages in its current state" or "Reset state
> of all packages".
> If you want to go back to the state before confirming the upgrade
> intentions, you have to mark the packages to be upgraded as "keep".
Thank you for the explanation, and it's acceptable for me.
So this bug can be closed.


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