Control: reassign -1 libupnp6 1:1.6.19+git20160116-1
Control: forcemerge 813249 -1
Control: affects -1 vlc

On 2016-03-05 02:28:15, Felix wrote:
> Package: src:vlc
> Version: 2.2.2-4
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> with the vlc 2.2.2-4 in debian testing, the upnp-module doesn't work anymore. 
> This can be reproduced everytime.
> Steps:
> 1. Start vlc 
> 2. Select 'Universal Plug n Play' under 'Local Network'
> This results in a blank screen instead of a briefly visible loading icon and 
> the list of the available upnp-servers in the local network. The servers are 
> working fine with other upnp clients and devices in the network.
> The output of the vlc 'messages' system for the steps above is:
> core debug: adding services_discovery upnp{longname="Universal 
> Plug'n'Play"}...
> core debug: looking for services_discovery module matching "upnp": 14 
> candidates
> upnp info: Initializing libupnp on '(null)' interface
> dbus debug: Getting All properties
> dbus debug: Getting All properties
> dbus debug: Getting property Position
> upnp error: Initialization failed: UPNP_E_SOCKET_BIND
> core debug: no services_discovery modules matched
> core error: no suitable services discovery module

This is #813249 and needs a fix in libupnp.

Sebastian Ramacher

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