On 03/03/16 08:23, Raúl Benencia wrote:
> Hi Tomasz,
> On Thu, Mar 03, 2016 at 10:42:32AM +0100, Tomasz Buchert wrote:
> > thank you very much for this! Can you explain what the problem is? I
> > didn't have time to work on this recently. I'll upload the new version soon.
> I'm glad to help! The patch it's pretty simple. The following test started
> failing recently:
>   test "`echo asseoir | $(LU) ./french-conjugator | grep asseyerai,`" = 
> "assiérai, asseyerai, assoirai"
> So, why did it started failing just now and no before? I did some research
> and the guilty turned out to be an update in the grep package, as it
> slightly changed its behaviour. With the new update, grep will detect the
> input as binary if it's in a different locale than the one it's currently
> running in. When this happens, grep will just output "binary file matches"
> instead of the line that matches the pattern, provoking a failure in the
> test.
> Now, if you see the build log, the environment variable LU expands to
> LIBDATADIR=../../data LANG=en_US.UTF-8 LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8. That means, that
> no matter what, french-conjugator will produce its stdout with that
> encoding. So grep have to use the same encoding, and that's why I set up
> those variables in the override. Now, we can't assume that the encoding is
> installed on the build machine, so that's why I generate the locale. Piece
> of cake!
> Cheers,
> Rul

Wow, this is surpring how they changed grep! Ok, I'm uploading this.


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