I am no DD, so I would not be able to sponsor. But here is review:

> Dear mentors,
>   I am looking for a sponsor for my package "kateperlcheck"
>  * Package name    : kateperlcheck
>    Version         : 1.7-1
>    Upstream Author : dirk Lindner  <dirk....@gmail.com>
>  * URL             : http://kate.lindnerei.de/
>  * License         : gpl
>    Section         : editors


        > Section: kde
        Maybe devel?

        > Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8.0.0), cmake
        debhelper (>= 9), please

        > Standards-Version: 3.9.4
        3.9.7, please

        > #Vcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/collab-maint/kateperlcheck.git
        > #Vcs-Browser: 
        Why commented out?

        > Package: kateperlcheck
        > Architecture: i386
        Architecture 'any', please

Did you used sbuild or pbuilder? Seems dependencies are incomplete, since
configuration fails on my box, complaining about missing `FindKDE4.cmake`.

> E source-is-missing
>         kateperlcheck/CMakeFiles/
>         kateperlcheck/CMakeFiles/
>         kateperlcheck/CMakeFiles/
>         kateperlcheck/CMakeFiles/

CMakeFiles are binary files, and lintian rightfully asks where is
their source.  Correct approach is to NOT have them in tarball in
first place, they are generated by `cmake'. Since you are upstream,
you can easily fix it, otherwise you would be interested in

I do not use KDE, so I can't check the usefulness of your package.

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