I've been using this simple snmpd.service file (placed in

Description=Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Daemon.
After=networking.service syslog.service

# Restart can be no (the default), on-success, on-failure, on-abnormal,
# on-abort, or always
# Here, we start snmpd with -f to prevent from forking for better systemd
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/snmpd $SNMPDOPTS -f
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


0. After saving the snmpd.service file in the right place, do a systemctl
1. Remove "export" from /etc/default/snmpd since this causes a warning.
2. Move /etc/init.d/snmpd to someplace else (e.g. snmpd.orig) or you'll get
    warnings about 'insserv'.   Best not to mix init.d with systemd.
3. Comment out "defaultMonitors" and "linkUpDownNotifications" or you'll
see some warnings about
    unknown tokens.

And I think that's all.

I've been trying to get this patch correct for the maintainers but I can't
figure out how
to get the snmpd.service file into the deb package.

On Wed, 3 Feb 2016 17:20:52 +0100 Tom Laermans <tom.laerm...@luciad.com>
> Hi,
> Any updates here? We're also running into this, using Puppet. snmpd will
> never be restarted as it thinks it's not currently running.
> Tom

*Sam Tannous*

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