Guillem Jover:
> Lunar:
> > I think the proposed patch is missing a field to record some environment
> > variables that can affect the build process. Right now, I'm thinking of
> > dpkg-buildflags). Maybe others? Build profiles?
> >
> > Initially I was against recording such information, but now that we
> > understand the purpose of .buildinfo files better and not mandate that
> > they be reproducible themselves, it doesn't matter if one contains
> > `DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=4` and the other
> > `DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=16`. It is the responsibility of users
> > trying to recreate a given package to filter this out.
> Hmm right, makes sense, but I see this also to be a bit problematic.
> There are many variables that do affect the build which we'd need to
> record. Including all of the them seems like another privacy
> concerning issue. Whitelisting, we might end up missing some but it's
> privacy-safe; blacklisting we might end-up including sensitive ones,
> but not miss any build-related ones, which is privacy-unsafe.
> Some things that come to mind that do affect the build in a significant
> The traditional build flags (i.e. CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, etc) might also affect
> the build depending on the rules file.

I was thinking of a whitelist approach and to start with use cases we
can already think of, adding more variables to record if we identify
them as missing in the future.

How about naming the field “Environment-Variables”?

I will also add another vendor hook for the list of variables.

> Build profiles are already recorded in the binary packages, but having
> that in the .buildinfo file seems right as it makes it easier to
> reproduce the build environment.

Should it be a new field or would recording the DEB_BUILD_PROFILES
variable be enough?

Lunar                                .''`.                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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