Hi Ian,

>The alternative is to patch the gambas runtime so it prefers qt5, this
>allows qt4 and qt5 to co-exist.
>However I'm not sure this matters: in Gambas there are absolutely no
>API differences between qt4/qt5,
>all you have to do is change the settings to use gb.gui.qt, which
>people will have to do anyway to access WebView

>We should keep the Conflicts however, so that when people upgrade
>their old version of gambas3-gb-qt4
>is deleted, otherwise total havoc will ensue.

>I think so, we can wait to see if anyone complains about the lack of qt4 ;-)

exactly my opinion :)
>As an aside: what ever happened to the debian/patches directory and
>the patches that were in there?

everything has been upstreamed by me a long time ago (3.7 IIRC).

Now gambas builds without any additional Debian patch, so I deleted the whole 



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