reassign 346043

On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 09:04:53PM -0800, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> pkgreport.cgi generates problematic JavaScript code: in function
> pagemain(), toggle(2) is called but there is no element with id="a_2".
> This causes Opera and Firefox to generate a Javascript error
> (getElementById() returns null, which has no property .style.display). I
> didn't test other browsers.
> As a temporary fix, I used User Javascript (Opera's version of
> GreaseMonkey) to use this version of toggle() instead:
>       function toggle(i) {
>               var a = document.getElementById("a_" + i);
>               if (a) {
>                       if ( == "none") {
>                      = "";
>                       } else {
>                      = "none";
>                       }
>               }
>       }
> Admittedly, this doesn't fix the real problem, but I wasn't sure that
> pkgreport.cgi wouldn't sometimes generate a page where the toggle(2)
> call is necessary. From looking at the HTML, it seems that it's caused
> by an off-by-1 error (is it generated by a loop in pkgreport.cgi?).
> This error is mostly harmless, but it's probably a good idea to fix it.
> :-)

Thanks for the bug report, but bugs in should be filed
against the pseudo-package, so I'm reassigning this


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