Sorry, accidentally sent private response by mistake. Resending.

Neil Williams <> writes:

> Downgrading to 1.8 in testing fixes the problem, so if this isn't the
> root cause, something else in 1.9 is producing a misleading traceback.
> There's no reference to add-to-builtins in the lava-server code that I
> can find.

django-compat 1.0.7 has:

    from django.template.base import add_to_builtins
except ImportError:  # Django < 1.8
    from django.template import add_to_builtins

So looks like Django 1.8 does have it, but it moved. Which perhaps
should have been a warning that maybe this was a private symbol not
intended for apps to use.

django-compat 1.0.8 has in the release notes:

    add_to_builtins was removed for Django 1.9, still available for
    Django < 1.9

The relevant code is now:

if django.VERSION < (1, 8):
    from django.template import add_to_builtins
elif django.VERSION < (1, 9):
    from django.template.base import add_to_builtins
    pass  # Removed in 1.9. Use template settings instead

I don't know what version of django-compat you have, however I think it
must be < 1.0.8

>From your stack trace it would appear that the calling application -
django-hijack - doesn't actually use add_to_builtins, however it uses
the file from django-compat that tries to import the symbol anyway.

Looks like this should be fixed with django-compat 1.0.8

As far as I can tell, django-compat isn't packaged for Debian.

It looks like the latest release of django-hijack 2.0.0 requires
django-compat >= 1.0.8
Brian May <>

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