On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 09:32:24PM +0200, Niko Tyni wrote:
> Control: tag -1 patch pending
> This bug is surprisingly quiet, so an update seems to be in order.
> For quite some time, this issue has been the last real blocker for Perl
> 5.22 transition.
> As seen in the upstream ticket [rt.cpan.org #101962], recent progress
> upstream got us to a point where the test suite is passing, and we're
> now waiting for the proposed patch to be cleaned up and committed.
> I'm about to upload the proposed patch to experimental as 2.0.9-2 so we
> can test it in our Perl 5.22 rebuilds.  Any other testing would be welcome
> too. The patch does not have separate code paths for Perl 5.20 and 5.22,
> so testing the actual 2.0.9-2 binary packages from experimental on
> sid (still Perl 5.20 for now) would be just as useful.

I've just updated libapache2-mod-perl2 on experimental to 2.0.9-3 which
contains a version of the patch with minor changes from upstream svn.
Niko's request for tests of this package with sid stands.


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