Dear Steffen,

please see comments below.

Steffen Nurpmeso wrote on 12/02/2015 12:22:
> Hello, i'm the codebase maintainer of S-nail,
> S-nail ships with a special, privilege-separated program that must
> be installed SETUID root; it seems Debian installs this program as
> "/usr/lib/s-nail/s-nail-privsep".  Doing "$ ls -latr" on this
> should give output like
>   -r-sr-xr-x  1 root root 21856 Sep 11 16:09 s-nail-privsep*
This was

   -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10104 Nov 27 06:08 /usr/lib/s-nail/s-nail-privsep

on my system. I upgraded from heirloom-mailx.
May I ask where s-nail tries to write the "dotfile"?
As far as I remember, mailx didn't need the sticky root bit before.

> i.e., SETUID root, executable for anyone, "$ chmod 4555 FILE" as
> root (via super / sudo / su as necessary) will do.

Yes, with the sticky bit set the mailx command works here.
But is it really necessary?

> Note that v14.8.5 doesn't take into account readonly filesystems:
> v14.9 will special treat errors caused by this condition instead.
> It really should work fine otherwise?
> --steffen

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