Hi Gert,

On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 01:22:03PM +0100, Gert Wollny wrote:
> I've uploaded a patch to svn that (hopefully) catches all the cases of
> the  CONDITION->OFCOndition transition. 
> This new patch [1] replaces the initial one done by Andreas. Please see
> svn changelog for more details. 

I checked this out and I'm afraid you did not really commited the latest
version of your patch set:

The patch file is differently named as the entry in the seried file.
After fixing this via

$ svn diff
Index: series
--- series      (Revision 20603)
+++ series      (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@

I've got in a `quilt push -a`:

Wende Patch dcmnet_3.6.1_new_condition_handling.patch an
patching file imagepool/dicomdir.cpp
Hunk #2 FAILED at 151.
Hunk #5 FAILED at 221.
2 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file imagepool/dicomdir.cpp
patching file imagepool/dicomdirloader.cpp
patching file imagepool/poolassociation.cpp
patching file imagepool/poolassociation.h
patching file imagepool/poolfindassociation.cpp
patching file imagepool/poolfindassociation.h
patching file imagepool/poolmoveassociation.cpp
patching file imagepool/poolmoveassociation.h
patching file imagepool/poolnetwork.cpp
patching file imagepool/poolnetwork.h
Patch dcmnet_3.6.1_new_condition_handling.patch lässt sich nicht anwenden 
(erzwingen mit -f)

(I guess you can cope with the German locale, sorry for others.)

> Also note that this is untested, because "d/rules get-orig-source"
> failed on me. It seems like the original source code is no longer
> available from the encoded location. 

Yes.  To be honest it would make sense to create a new tarball properly
but the fact that upstream seems to be dead I simply hesitated to fiddle
around with this.

> Hence I worked from the package I get with "apt-get source". 

That's definitely the correct way to obtain a tarball for a given
orig.tar.gz in general.  If you would recreate via get-orig-source you
would definitely end up with a differen tarball (not as per content but
as per md5sum).  Please always prefer this approach.

Any hint about fixing the patch?

Kind regards

> [1]   
> https://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-med/trunk/packages/aeskulap/tr
> unk/debian/patches/dcmnet_3.6.1_new_condition_handling.patch?revision=2
> 0603


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