On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 01:18:42PM +0100, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
> On 2015-12-02 12:09:03, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > I tried to build this package with "dpkg-buildpackage -A"
> > (i.e. only architecture-independent packages), and it failed:
> Do you have a full build log? The interesting stuff is in the snipped part.

Yes. I attach two different logs.

Note 1: The build was done on stretch/amd64.

Note 2: The fact that the failing libraries are x265_main10 and x265_main12
suggests that maybe this has something to do with Bug #804376 or the fix
that was applied for that bug.


Attachment: x265_1.8-4_amd64-20151114-0944.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: x265_1.8-4_amd64-20151202-0021.gz
Description: Binary data

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