On 01-Dec-2015, Ben Finney wrote:
> Control: found -1 ibus/1.5.11-1
> On 21-Sep-2015, Ben Finney wrote:
> > But current versions also capture ‘/’ and ‘Ctrl+U’ (and perhaps
> > others I have not discovered). Those keystrokes then do not behave
> > as normal keystrokes in applications.
> This continues to happen after the upgrade to ‘ibus’ version
> “1.5.11-1”.

Correction: the behaviour has now become *worse*.

Pressing ‘/’ will not send the ‘/’ keystroke to the terminal, but
instead waits as though that is a prefix for the next keystroke. This
is completely unwanted with “rfc1345”, as originally reported.

What is new now is that the keystrokes are sent in the wrong order.

For example, pressing ‘/’ then ‘q’ will result in the terminal
receiving the sequences in reverse order.

So typing “/quit” sends “q/uit”.

Please investigate what has regressed to make ‘/’ and ‘Ctrl+U’ (and
anything except ‘&’) behave like unwanted prefix keys.

> What can be done to diagnose the cause of this unwanted
> behaviour?

 \        “If the arguments in favor of atheism upset you, explain why |
  `\        they’re wrong. If you can’t do that, that’s your problem.” |
_o__)                                     —Amanda Marcotte, 2015-02-13 |
Ben Finney <b...@benfinney.id.au>

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