Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬)" <>

* Package name    : heka
  Version         : 0.10.0b1
  Upstream Author : Ben Bangert, Mike Trinkala, Rob Miller, Victor Ng,
                    David Birdsong, Michael Gibson
* URL             :
* License         : MPL-2
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : Stream processing software system developed by Mozilla

 Heka is an open source stream processing software system developed by
 Mozilla. Heka is a “Swiss Army Knife” type tool for data processing,
 useful for a wide variety of different tasks, such as:
 * Loading and parsing log files from a file system.
 * Accepting statsd type metrics data for aggregation and forwarding to
   upstream time series data stores such as graphite or InfluxDB.
 * Launching external processes to gather operational data from the local
 * Performing real time analysis, graphing, and anomaly detection on any
   data flowing through the Heka pipeline.
 * Shipping data from one location to another via the use of an external
   transport (such as AMQP) or directly (via TCP).
 * Delivering processed data to one or more persistent data stores.

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <>
Debian Developer
Key fingerprint = EC9F 905D 866D BE46 A896  C827 BE0C 9242 03F4 552D

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