control: fixed 753619 devscripts/2.14.7 Hi,
Now stable version is 2.15.3 As I read , it was closed as 2.14.7 was uploaded. I suppose it was oversight not closing this bug in unstable. Also upcoming multitar enabled devscripts comes with oversionmangle rule to add suffix when automatic suffix change is not possible via repacksuffix. It also have detailed examples in manpage. In both style, uversionmangle is not used and udversionmangle is used. So I am marking this fixed in 2.14.7 just as 748465 . I am abit confused by James's comment "... it does make sense to use uversionmangle." I think. Lintian tag is right now. debian-watch-file-should-dversionmangle-not-uversionmangle and "... it does not make sense to use uversionmangle now. Osamu