absolutely rediculous. it's a GPL free source open system
your supposed to use it in your SPARE time not your business time.
you are NOT supposed to using it for private development without
funding. perhaps if a proffesor, paid for such things, and have chosen
to do so (ie, GRUB is a good example of that, or "gv" ghost view (orig
and improved) as well). otherwise it is strictly about hobby time.
(if used for business your totally assume risk, and the world is full of
books and information to tell you that)
you could accuse "someone" of intently wasting others time by reverse
engineered uploads to cause intentional time/investment losses (ie,
inserting build failures to give others headaches): that's illegal since
the days of Rome. and it's not easy to prove (perhaps intently, perhaps
you have absolutely no right to complain about "others using your
donated time". zero, none.
> usting. It is nasty. A bit strange to think that I
"know" some of those guys.
My interest in Debian pEd Dixon wrote:
Be sure to share Daniels story via social media using the buttons on his
blog. I hope it wakes up the entire community to what happens when you
actually do something right around here! https://t.co/NwWs9AfW87 Thanks,
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 2:15 PM Richard Newton <rich123...@gmail.com
<mailto:rich123...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I agree, shame on those responsible. I have been using Debian for
almost 15 years and this is the first time I have been ashamed. Add
my name to the record "of conscientious objection."
RIchard Newton
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Ralph Amissah
<ralph.amis...@gmail.com <mailto:ralph.amis...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I post not in anger but sadness, I should not let my voice go
Attached is my note to Daniel of earlier today, before his
posting of
"an abrupt end to Debian Live". Debian Live which he said Debian
have (as a Debian developer) in 2006 and went on to deliver, rather
nicely (with (and without) help).
----- Forwarded message from Ralph Amissah
<ralph.amis...@gmail.com <mailto:ralph.amis...@gmail.com>> -----
From: Ralph Amissah <ralph.amis...@gmail.com
To: Daniel Baumann
Subject: outrageous, thievery
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 09:28:44 -0500
Message-ID: <20151109142844.GA28261@niu>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.24 (2015-08-30)
Daniel, (already one of the more active Debian Developers then) I
remember you telling Debian at Debconf 2006, Mexico about how
needed a live-maker within the project. I said then that I
thought this
one of the most important projects within Debian (I was
surprised that
there was not more interest and effort offered by others at the
though there was some, those so keen now did not seem to pay
then). Already then it was clear that it would one day be able
to and
possibly be the preferred way to do a Debian install... as I said,
important. I saw how you contributed to Debian then, and I know
how you
have contributed since. Instead of welcoming you and your work,
seems to have been an effort to isolate you.
Well clearly others have seen the fruits of your labor as a
threat and
with envy, and ripe for their plucking!
Outrageous! Disgusting. It is nasty. A bit strange to think that I
"know" some of those guys.
My interest in Debian proper, dropped with your earlier
treatment, it
took away the desire to be a closer part of it. At least that
took out
much of any idealized notion of the inner workings of it. And
there have
been other moves since. I continue to be amazed by the politics of
groups within Debian. This though has the feel of blatant thievery.
Chals characterization of a dictatorial coup would seem to be most
It has no doubt to do with power (perhaps indirectly money is
as well), your work & work area being seen as strategically
They do it because they can, & justify it whatever which way
they will.
I am sorry. I feel pretty bruised on your behalf.
We have not spoken in a long while. I hope we have the chance to
talk in
happier times.
P.S. We are ok, not much to report.
----- End forwarded message -----
[edits: addition of footnote, &; s/picking/plucking/]
Indeed I am a friend of Daniel and primarily a user of Debian (a
contributor of a package (sisu[2]) that I wrote that I am happy
to have in
Debian). In other circumstances I would consider myself at least an
admirer of individuals involved on the other side of this.
Indeed I (use
use some of your software daily and) have met a number of you
over the
years at a number of Debconfs and have fond memories for example of
visits to Cambridge when I lived in the U.K. and of being
to Debian by Debian insiders.
Thanks to all who have stood up for Daniel, he is a wonderful,
(and capable) person. And yes, I do think him "wronged" by "Debian".
There are others that know him pretty well, who have followed a
long sequence of events who must be outraged as well.
Of course I wish Debian well, but I do not see your "handling"
of Daniel
as its finest hour. This will no doubt "blow over" as it must
for the good of the project, but it sticks in my craw as it no doubt
does others, and there should be some record of conscientious
Ralph Amissah
[1] to be clear, "we" was Debian.
[2] http://www.sisudoc.org/
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