Control: retitle -1 Fingerprint checker on newnm.html should warn if the 
fingerprint is already known
Control: tag -1 confirmed
Control: severity -1 normal


On Sun, Oct 04, 2015 at 03:19:19AM +0200, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> I tried to register on 2015-10-02 for a new account, but got on submitting
> Serverfehler (500)
> There's been an error. It's been reported to the site administrators via 
> e-mail and should be fixed shortly. Thanks for your patience.
> I rechecked today and see that the entry indeed was created succesfully, but 
> that the problem is with the email challenge.
> Retriggering the challenge at
> fails again with this error. So I am currently unable to confirm my account.

For both of you the problem is that you already have accounts because
you're already DMs. (Sebastien's had been created with his surname as a
middle name, which didn't help.) The script which imports people has no
safe way to tell if you have an Alioth username, so when you later want to
become DD it's quite misleading.

To fix the immediate problems please contact Front Desk with a signed mail
confirming your Alioth account and the URL to you page and the links can be
made manually.

There are two underlying problems to the behaviour:

 - the error 500 appears because the new account has no fingerprint, and it
   tries to encrypt a message to it
 - the account creation page does not check if a person is known to the
   system except whether they are logged in

As a documentation fix, I've added a note to DMs on the account creation
page which should at least remove any confusion. A better fix would be to
have the page warn if a fingerprint is already known, which almost
certainly means a duplicate account is being created. The handler should
also fail to create an account with a suitable message if the fingerprint
is being duplicated.

Jonathan Wiltshire                            
Debian Developer               

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