Control: forcemerge 802811 -1

On 2015-10-30 08:01:43, Jan Hudec wrote:
> Package: libqt5x11extras5
> Version: 5.5.1-2
> Severity: critical
> --- Please enter the report below this line. ---
> Yesterday libqt5x11extra5 upgraded to 5.5.1-2 in testing without the rest of 
> qt5 following and Plasma/KDE5 crashed. Everything. Screen locker in the 
> running session, after restart kdeinit, drkonqi that tried to handle the 
> crash, sddm.
> The backtrace referenced to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-
> gnu/qt5/plugins/styles/ and xcb and I did not see 
> in there, but since that was the only (remotely relevant) thing that changed 
> in that upgrade, it was the obvious culprit. And downgrading it back did fix 
> everything.
> The important point here is that ONLY libqt5x11extra5 upgraded to 5.5, while 
> the REST OF QT REMAINED 5.4. So the version itself may not be broken and may 
> work fine with the rest of qt 5.5. The issue to fix here is just reverting 
> this one package from testing and ensuring all of qt 5.5 enters testing 
> together.

This is #802811. Please check existing bug reports before filing new ones.

Sebastian Ramacher

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