❦ 25 octobre 2015 13:07 GMT, "Adam D. Barratt" <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> :

>> I would like to push the attached patch to jessie-pu to fix some
>> security problems present in lldpd: lldpd can crash when receiving
>> malformed LLDP management addresses. I have been in contact with
>> security team and they think a stable update is good enough. Patches
>> come from upstream.
> Please go ahead.


>> I will also have to upload an update for wheezy which is affected as
>> well. Should I use this same bug number or open a new one?
> Please open a new bug. At the very least the updates for wheezy and
> jessie will be released in separate point releases so need to be
> separately trackable.

My bad, the version in wheezy is not vulnerable.
Use debugging compilers.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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