Control: tags 785782 + moreinfo

On 15/10/15 12:26, Dan Griswold wrote:
> Weird. It now works.

Please use a subject line describing the bug, and/or quote earlier
context; the bug number is literally the only context I had for this
email :-)

For other developers' information, this is a gdm3 bug report, "greeter
screen appears without login prompt".

> It appears that an update of libpam-systemd solved the problem. Could
> that be it?

Probably; the only information available in the bug report is that it's
*something* to do with libpam-systemd.

If either you or Daniel can provide relevant logs for the failing case,
someone might be able to say something more specific about it; in the
absence of additional logs, I don't think anyone is going to be able to
solve this or determine why it happened. If you are using systemd as
your init system, all the relevant information should end up in
/var/log/syslog* or the systemd journal.


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