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On Thu, 15 Oct 2015 12:20:01 +0200
rpnpif <> wrote:

> Package: claws-mail
> Version: 3.11.1-3
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> I received an email with 327 recipients. Yes it is bad !
> But I am not the sender.

Indeed, not a nice one to receive :) 
> The display in claws-mail is bad.
> Only the 88th first recipient are displayed. The 89th is truncated as:
> Real name <C
> and it is not a link (black color).

Sounds like the header reached the limits of the unfolding buffer.
> In the list panel, the subject is replaced by the mention:
> (No subject)
> and the date by:
> (No Date)
> But both the subject and the date are correct in the message.

Yes, but the parser entered probably into a bad state because of the
recipients' header and was unable to get something for those (I'd bet
they're after the very long recipient list).

> Expected :
> All the recipient list should be displayed.
> The subject and the date should be displayed in the list panel.

Agreed :) but just to be sure of my guesses are correct and not having to
build a mail like that by hand, can you send me such mail privately?

You may use also a self-destructing one-time service if you want to be sure
I'm the only one getting the copy and not all intermediate mail relays:

 Ricardo Mones
 «As well look for a needle in a bottle of hay. -- Miguel de Cervantes»

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