"Adam D. Barratt" <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> writes:
>> > Shouldn't there be a corresponding set of files appearing in the second
>> > package? (in /Reporting/south_migrations)
>> I don't know the answer to that question, my understanding of Django is
>> rather limited (which is also why I didn't write the patch to do
>> this). The "initial migration" file grows quite a bit, so it's entirely
>> possible that it ends up containing the relevant parts of those, but
>> this is only a theory.
> My understanding of Django is likely less than yours, it just seems odd
> to have the patch create the new files and then for them not to be
> shipped.

You were correct here, there was something missing from the patch. Even
without the migrations in place an upgrade from the wheezy version did
succeed when I tested it. Perhaps wheezy isn't old enough to need

In any case I'll do a new upload to unstable with this fixed, I'll get
back to you after that.

Arto Jantunen

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