On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 04:56:19PM +0100, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> Please don't use -quiet@ when replying to release.debian.org bugs.
> There's no good reason for the reply not to be sent to debian-release;
> in fact, not doing so is actively harmful.

Sorry.  Ok.

> I read that, and I know what "automatically updated with yacc" means,
> thank you. You appear to have ignored my pointing out that the package
> doesn't build-depend on anything providing yacc or bison, and that
> builds on the buildds _don't_ perform such updates due to the packages
> not being installed in the build environment.
> How are the updates managing to get performed in your uploads when a
> clean build won't have yacc available?

Usually there is no need to run yacc while building
the package: upstream maintainers provide tarball together
with yacc-generated stuff.  In this case, I did same.

I hope, this is clear.

Technically, it's possible to add a build-dependency on
yacc (instead of changing src/y.tab.c etc), not sure
if this is ok for stable upload.

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