Thank you for the quick action, Niels.
On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 05:37:52PM +0200, Niels Thykier wrote:
5.22. Backwards incompatible changes in the Squid webproxy
[Note] This section only applies to people that have installed the squid
The configuration of squid has in an incompatible way. Notably some of the squid
"helpers" have changed their name. If your configuration relies on old features
no longer present or on the old names for the helpers, your squid service may fail to
start after the upgrade.
Please see the upstream release notes for more information. These are:
Release notes for Squid 3.2 (The renamed helpers can be found in 2.6 Helper
Name Changes)
Release notes for Squid 3.3
Release notes for Squid 3.4
If you have any remarks to the wording, please let me know and I will
look into it. :)
I think the note is so obvious that it's not necessary. I guess the
first sentence should read "The configuration of squid has changed in an
incompatible way.".
Bernard Massot - Service informatique - ICMMO - Bâtiment 410
Université Paris-Sud 11
91405 Orsay Cedex
Tél : +33 1 69 15 63 62