On Sun, May 05, 2013 at 07:41:04PM +0200, Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez wrote:
> Hi!
> I have been also affected by this issue.
> I have cooked a patch to fix this. It checks if the unpacked upstream
> tarball contains a "debian/" directory, then it checks if the current
> package is native or not. If it's not native, then it wipes the debian/
> directory from the unpacked upstream tarball before doing the import.
> The patch attached is against git-buildpackage=0.6.0~git20130414

The patch in it's last incarnation looks good but I do wonder if we need
this given that we have the --merge-mode=replace option in impor-orig
now. This option works for both the upstream uses git (and has a
debian/ dir) as well as the upstream tarball has a debian/ dir case.

I'd like to keep gbp out of the "automatic" filtering as much as
possible since in some cases the user might _want_ to have debian/
(e.g. if he wants to base his work on the initial upstream packaging).

 -- Guido

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