On 08/01/2015 09:35 AM, Alberto Garcia wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 08:44:03PM +0200, Ross Gammon wrote:
>> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "goocanvas-2.0"
>> * Package name    : goocanvas-2.0
>>   Version         : 2.0.2-2
>>   Upstream Author : Damon Chaplin <da...@gnome.org>
>> * URL             : https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Projects/GooCanvas
>> * License         : LGPL-2
>>   Section         : libs
> Hello, I just came back from holidays and saw this. I took a look at
> your changes and I think you have done a pretty good job. I will be
> happy to sponsor this package.
> Since it's been a while since you created this, do you need / want to
> make any changes before the upload or can I just upload it as it is
> now?
> Thanks!
> Berto

Hi Berto,

Welcome back. I am also just back from my holidays (and a week away from
home with work).

There was nothing more I wanted to change, so it would be great if you
could sponsor it!

My next steps would be to do a tidy up of the "old" goocanvas package
and it's bugs so that it is clear that it is dead upstream and will only
exist in the medium term.



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