a symlink from /usr/bin/kwin_x11 to /usr/bin/kwin brought back windows 
decorarions, thanks! How can I close the bug?
From:    Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com>
Sent:    venerdì 31 luglio 2015
To:      Matteo Calorio <matteo.calo...@ors.it>, 794...@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#794216: [kwin-x11] Since yesterday windows decorations 
On Friday, July 31, 2015 12:34:25 PM Matteo Calorio wrote:
> Package: kwin-x11
> Version: 4:5.3.2-2
> Severity: critical
> --- Please enter the report below this line. ---
> Hello,
> after last updates I can't see windows decorations anymore. I try deleting
> plasma configuration files but nothing changes.
> Running "kwin-x11 --replace" I get:

Although the package name is kwin-x11, the binary is kwin_x11.

Depending on how you're running kwin your likely to have better results if you 
wait for today's updates (which should include KDE 4 -> Plasma 5 if you're 
doing this in KDE).  If you aren't running it from inside KDE, there should 
also be an updated kwin that sets /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager 
correctly.  Finally, if you stay on KDE4, add a symlink from /usr/bin/kwin_x11 
to /usr/bin/kwin and that should help.  That will be included in the next kwin 
upload, but we're now caught up in the gcc5 transition, so it may be awhile 
before that's uploaded.

If any of those thing help, please close the bug as we've got others that 
cover those cases.

Scott K
Matteo Calorio
Linux & OpenSource systems
O.R.S. s.r.l.
V. Morando 1-3
12060 Roddi (CN)  - Italy
Tel. +39 173 620 211 (int.245)

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