Source: snmpd
Severity: important
Tags: patch

Dear Maintainer,

the `/etc/default/snmpd` included in the current version of the "snmpd"
package launches snmpd with the option "-Lsd", which makes it log
everything with a priority >= LOG_NOTICE — which includes the message
"Connection from UDP: []:50955->[]" for every
single query made to the SNMP server.

It would be preferable to have the logging verbosity default to >=
LOG_WARNING to avoid cluttering the syslog.

I have attached a patch that changes all relevant occurences of "-Lsd"
(log >= notice) to "-LSwd" (log >= warning).

-- System Information:
[Removed, since I'm reporting this bug from an Ubuntu system that isn't
actually running snmpd.]
I have confirmed that the excessively verbose logging option is used by
the current snmpd versions in wheezy (5.4.3~dfsg-2.8+deb7u1) and sid
diff -r a/debian/snmpd.default b/debian/snmpd.default
< SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -g snmp -I -smux,mteTrigger,mteTriggerConf -p /run/'
> SNMPDOPTS='-LSwd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -g snmp -I -smux,mteTrigger,mteTriggerConf -p /run/'
diff -r a/debian/snmpd.init b/debian/snmpd.init
< SNMPDOPTS="-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -p $SNMP_PID"
> SNMPDOPTS="-LSwd -Lf /dev/null -p $SNMP_PID"
diff -r a/debian/snmptrapd.default b/debian/snmptrapd.default
< TRAPDOPTS='-Lsd -p /run/'
> TRAPDOPTS='-LSwd -p /run/'
diff -r a/debian/snmptrapd.init b/debian/snmptrapd.init

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