On Mon, 29 Jun 2015 23:08, d...@fifthhorseman.net said:

> I've set up ~/.gnupg/debugpinentry that is just:

FWIW, with recent 2.1 you can also use --debug-pinentry to show the IPC
between gpg-agent and Pinentry

> ** (pinentry:12995): WARNING **: couldn't create prompt for gnupg passphrase: 
> Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

If gpg has no DISPLAY it won't set DISPLAY for Pinentry.

>  0) Are there other env vars we need to pass through from gpg to
>     gpg-agent to pinentry for pinentry-gnome3 to work sanely (both for
>     localization and for actual prompting)?

The list of envvars passed got gpg to pinentry can be viewed with 

 gpg-connect-agent 'getinfo std_session_env' /bye

The initial list of envvars knwon to gpg-agent with

 gpg-connect-agent 'getinfo std_startup_env' /bye

In addition there are several methods to change LC_CTYPE and LC_MESSAGES
where the defaults are those known to gpg.

The latest 2.1 also allows to see the names ov envvars GnuPG will pass
if they ar set:

 gpg-connect-agent 'getinfo std_env_names' /bye

>  1) should gnome (and other session managers) be terminating gpg-agent
>     before shutting down?  If so, does that just mean a "gpgconf --kill
>     gpg-agent" somewhere in the shutdown process, or something else?

Yes.  In any case it should do a "gpgconf --reload gpg-agent" to clear
the cache.

>  2) why is "Passwort" localized but the others are not?  is it pinentry
>     doing that localization?  If so, how is it finding that language but
>     gpg-agent (which is invoking it) is not?

I don't know.  gpg-agent passes the translated strings to Pinentry -
thus Pinentry has no localization at all.  Pinentry knows about LC_CTYPE
and uses it with setlocale to recode strings.  It used to use
LC_MESSAGES too but not anymore (maybe relicts from the old QT-3 and
Gtk-1 version - I have not checked).

In case GCR uses its own translated strings it may not get LC_MESSAGES
as an envvar.

Neal: Can you please check what's going on?



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