found 787714 2.0.3-2
severity 787714 minor
tags 787714 upstream

Thank you for your report, Santiago,

On Thu 04 Jun 2015 at 13:17:32 +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:

> When I do this:
> lpstat -W completed myprinter
> I get a list of jobs in reverse chronological order. However, when I do this:
> lpstat -W not-completed myprinter
> I get a list of jobs in chronological order.
> This makes no sense. Previously, both things were in chronological
> order, and it was ok. If we are going to reverse the order, it should
> be done in a consistent way. If not, it would be better to keep things
> as they originally were (chronological order always).

Using version 2.0.3-2 from experimental:

  With lpstat                           Order

  lpstat -W completed myprinter         Reverse chronological
  lpstat -W not-completed myprinter     Chronological
  lpstat -W all myprinter               Chronological

  Web interface (using lynx)

  Completed Jobs                        Chronological
  Active Jobs (pending)                 Chronological
  All Jobs                              Reverse chronological

Santiago, it would be very helpful if you would report this upstream and
provide a link to the report here.



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