On 17/06/15 01:22, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 06/16/2015 01:21 AM, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
>> On 14/06/15 13:28, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
>>> On 06/14/2015 04:29 AM, Julien Cristau wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 17:39:14 +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> This hasn't been an issue before, so I'm tempted to ignore it.
>>>>> Unless the Release Team wants this addressed, then we'll need to
>>>>> update gdal in jessie first.
>>>> It needs to be addressed, with no changes in jessie.  That
>>>> probably means changing the libgdal binary package name, AIUI.
>>> OK, since changing the package name is now required for each patch
>>> release of GDAL,
>> Why? It is only required now because your rdeps don't have strict 
>> dependencies
>> for the C++ symbols, and you're breaking that. Once they have strict
>> dependencies, you don't need to rename the package, just change the Provides:
>> gdal-abi-1-11-0, and rebuild the rdeps that depend on that (i.e. the C++ 
>> rdeps).
> Not changing the package name at every patch release is good to avoid
> lengthy delays through the NEW queue.
> But I don't see much practical difference between having the upstream
> version in the package name and have the alternative dependency template
> on the C++ symbols. Most gdal rdeps depend on some C++ symbols, there
> are only a few that don't need a rebuild at every new patch release.


> It seemed easier to append the version to the package name, combining
> the SONAME derived package name for the C library and the -<version> for
> the C++ library like for do for geos for instance.

I don't mind either way.

You can try to educate your upstream to not break the ABI at every release
(especially at minor / point releases). Though unfortunately some upstreams
don't care much about ABI stability...

>>> having the alternative dependency for the C++ symbols
>>> doesn't have much benefit anymore.
>> It still does. The package rename is a one time thing to ensure that all your
>> C++ rdeps get proper strict dependencies and they don't break whenever you 
>> break
>> your ABI (because they would depend on gdal-abi-1-11-0 and for say 1.11.1, 
>> you
>> change the provides to gdal-1-11-1, and so the libgdal package can't be 
>> upgraded
>> unless the rdeps are upgraded too). See e.g. what qtbase-opensource-src
>> (libqt5core5a binary) does with its Provides: qtbase-abi-*.
>>> It may be better to just include
>>> the upstream version in the package name (e.g. libgdal1-1.11.2 &
>>> libgdal20-2.0.0) and drop the alternative dependency for the C++ symbols.
>> That's possible, but it's not better.
> OK, I'll keep the alternative dependency template for the C++ symbols
> and change the package name. libgdal1i seems an obvious choice to
> succeed libgdal1h.

ACK. I have updated the transition tracker for that.

> I'll stick to the libgdal.so.1-1.11.2 virtual package that was initially
> suggest in this transition bug to not break the gdal 1.11.2 as included
> in Ubuntu.
> Switching to the more common naming convention of gdal-abi-2-0-0 for
> GDAL 2.0 seems like a good idea.

OK. The name doesn't matter much. And I don't mind all that much if you go
through Provides or through renaming the binary package. Your call.

>>> GDAL upstream started a vote to bless GDAL 2.0.0 RC1 as final, so the
>>> final release is expected soon. I've started packaging the
>>> pre-releases but I expect we'll need to resolve quite a number of
>>> issues in the reverse dependencies to work with GDAL 2.0.0 before we
>>> can consider it for unstable.
>>> With that in mind I still prefer to first move GDAL 1.11.2 from
>>> experimental to unstable so we can use experimental for GDAL 2.0.0. It
>>> does mean another gdal transition in the near future for 1.11 -> 2.0.
>> There would be another transition for the 1.11 -> 2.0 update, but only 
>> involving
>> the C++ rdeps (assuming the C ABI stays stable). But either way that's not a
>> problem. If 1.11 is ready now, let's do that first.
> 1.11 has been ready for quite some time now, I'd like to get it into
> unstable as soon as possible.

This conflicts with the (uncoordinated) mapnik transition, which is currently
stalled due to #788533. I see that is maintained by the same team as gdal, so
maybe you can take a look or ping the right people? gdal can probably go after
that, if no other issues arise.


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