Hi Michael,

On  Di 28 Apr 2015 02:50:25 CEST, Michael Biebl wrote:

Control: severity -1 important

This bug has been open for almost a year.
I plan to ask for the removal of udisks1 in about 2 weeks.

Please get your package ready by that time.

we have discussed the udisks1 issue in mate-power-manager upstream and we will remove udisks support completely from mate-power-manager. It is //only// used to set a spin-down timeout for harddrives (which is (a) a bad idea on real hard drives and useless on SSDs anyway). I expect upstream to come up with a PR on Github on the 1.8.x release branch of mpm, so we will be able to provide an update of mpm in unstable soon that drops the udisks dependency completely.


mike gabriel, herweg 7, 24357 fleckeby
fon: +49 (1520) 1976 148

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